My Histio Warrior Celebrates 2 Years

Joey had a hip bone graft and biopsy two years ago today followed by months of being in a wheelchair, using a walker, using crutches and more than a year of physical therapy. Today, he rode his bike a mile to school. My 12-year-old son Joey is a Histio warrior. On April, 23, 2012, he was diagnosed with Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis. On April 25, 2012, he had major surgery.

joey bike

Although Joey deals with unexplained chronic pain at times, he has not relapsed. Histio is similar to cancer and if it attacks again, he will need chemotherapy. We pray everyday that he will continue to be in remission. At this point, other than checking in with the doctors at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital every few months, Joey could put this disease behind him unless it flares again. But he won’t do that. He is a true warrior. He is fighting for his friends, some he has met and others who he just knows of, who have Histio.

histio image

This picture was borrowed from another Histio warrior.

As I have said before, there is no known cause or cure for this disease. And since it’s considered rare, there is very little funding for research. Histio experts can be found at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital and a Children’s Hospital in Texas. Dr. McClain from Texas came out with a new finding recently that does give Histio families a little more hope because the doctors are starting to understand the disease a little more. You can read that here.

Joey wants to find a cure for himself and his friends. He educates people about his disease whenever he can, he talks to the media, does things for the Histio Association and participates in fundraisers. You can celebrate Joey’s two year anniversary by donating to the Histio Association in his name – Joey Holt – or by donating to Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center for Histio research in honor of Joey Holt (be sure to write that in the comments).

Our lives changed forever the day Joey was diagnosed and even more so on April 25, 2012 after surgery. But this challenged that was thrown at us has made us appreciate life much more over the last two years. We will find a cure for our friends.

be thankful